Home » Depts » Resume Guidance
A good resource for people writing their resumes. This list of action verbs will guide you in listing your accomplishments and skills on your resume. They are divided into five sections for easy reference. Use those that accurately describe your duties.
Rating: [8.30] Votes: [27]
Full text of 348-page cover letter book for job hunters.Download library of 200 FREE cover letters. Tips for writing great letters. Search engine.
Rating: [7.16] Votes: [34]
Site offers free resume samples, job search resources, resume tips, and career articles by a nationally recognized Certified Professional Resume Writer published in 20 resume and cover letter sample books.
Rating: [8.27] Votes: [26]
Site offers free cover letter, thank you letter, and resume writing tips. Research how to write a resume, distribute your resume to hiring managers, and tips for how to get an interview.
Rating: [7.58] Votes: [24]
Resume resources including resume samples, article and advice from professional resume writers
Rating: [6.89] Votes: [9]
Discuss your career and get advice from career experts on the careers forum
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [1]
CV-Resume: free sample templates and resume writing examples
Rating: [8.28] Votes: [25]
Resignation is an important part of the career and many people ignore its importance. These samples will help you deal with this moment tactfully.
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [11]
A how-to resource for job seekers wanting to learn more about electronic resumes and job marketing.
Rating: [6.50] Votes: [4]
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
JobStar is a public library sponsored guide to information for the job search, career section, resume guide and more. Very Popular. Highly Recommended
Rating: [8.50] Votes: [6]
by Financial ResumePros.com
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [3]
Rocketresume.com emails your resume to over 23,000 plus International recruiters and hiring managers in minutes.
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [3]
Email your cv, resume and cover letter to international job headhunters in Canada, USA or overseas, pass interviews and get jobs you want.
Rating: [6.00] Votes: [5]
by "An Executive Approach"
Rating: [7.80] Votes: [5]
Site provides free resume and cover letter samples by a resume writer published in over 20 resume and cover letter sample books.
Rating: [8.33] Votes: [6]
On-line, highly interactive website from the University of Minnesota that teaches visitors how to write a résumé
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
Affordable resume service and free resume samples,articles, advice.
Rating: [7.75] Votes: [4]
A source for information, tips and advice on resume writing.
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
Online Multilingual Resume and CV Builder using the most Certified Professional Resume Templates. Build your Resume and CV in English, French and Spanish. Including Help, Samples and Phrases to guide you while writing a Resume or CV
Rating: [8.14] Votes: [20]
An interesting resource. Recommended!
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
A Job Seekers Toolkit : Write Yourself A Job guides development of a high quality, Resume or CV. Includes 12 Resume, CV and Covering Letter templates, categorized for various career stages. Other resources also available.
Rating: [6.88] Votes: [8]
Emurse organizes your resume creation, distribution, and upkeep through an easy to use online interface. Create a resume website, be informed when recipients view your resume and stay on top of your job hunt.
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [1]
Over 150 sample resumes, cover letters and resignation letters; resume writing made easy; How to write an interview thank you letter
Rating: [7.40] Votes: [5]
You don't need to know how to write a professional resume. The Resume Builder allows you to instantly create a professional, easy to edit resume in minutes using our self guided resume builder.
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [2]
Free Sample Resume templates for everyone
Rating: [10.00] Votes: [1]
Resume Guidance
How to write effective resumes, curriculum vitae, job applications, covering letters, recommendation letters, resignation letters and more1. ACTION WORDS - Resume Writing Tips
A good resource for people writing their resumes. This list of action verbs will guide you in listing your accomplishments and skills on your resume. They are divided into five sections for easy reference. Use those that accurately describe your duties.
Rating: [8.30] Votes: [27]
2. CareerLab - 200 FREE Cover Letters for Job Hunters
Full text of 348-page cover letter book for job hunters.Download library of 200 FREE cover letters. Tips for writing great letters. Search engine.
Rating: [7.16] Votes: [34]
3. Best Resumes of New York
Site offers free resume samples, job search resources, resume tips, and career articles by a nationally recognized Certified Professional Resume Writer published in 20 resume and cover letter sample books.
Rating: [8.27] Votes: [26]
4. How to write a resume
Site offers free cover letter, thank you letter, and resume writing tips. Research how to write a resume, distribute your resume to hiring managers, and tips for how to get an interview.
Rating: [7.58] Votes: [24]
5. Cover Letter and Resume Resources
Resume resources including resume samples, article and advice from professional resume writers
Rating: [6.89] Votes: [9]
6. Career Advice
Discuss your career and get advice from career experts on the careers forum
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [1]
7. Cv Example
CV-Resume: free sample templates and resume writing examples
Rating: [8.28] Votes: [25]
8. Writing a Letter of Resignation
Resignation is an important part of the career and many people ignore its importance. These samples will help you deal with this moment tactfully.
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [11]
9. Rebecca Smith’s eRésumés resources and gallery of resumes for different professions
A how-to resource for job seekers wanting to learn more about electronic resumes and job marketing.
Rating: [6.50] Votes: [4]
10. Resume Writing Advice from University of Calgary
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
11. JobStar--Resumes & Cover Letters
JobStar is a public library sponsored guide to information for the job search, career section, resume guide and more. Very Popular. Highly Recommended
Rating: [8.50] Votes: [6]
12. Resume Writing Samples for Financial Professionals
by Financial ResumePros.com
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [3]
13. Resume Distribution To International Recruiters
Rocketresume.com emails your resume to over 23,000 plus International recruiters and hiring managers in minutes.
Rating: [7.00] Votes: [3]
14. CV or Resume Distribution + Job Search
Email your cv, resume and cover letter to international job headhunters in Canada, USA or overseas, pass interviews and get jobs you want.
Rating: [6.00] Votes: [5]
15. Senior Managment Executive Resumes Samples by An Executive Approach
by "An Executive Approach"
Rating: [7.80] Votes: [5]
16. Resume Writer
Site provides free resume and cover letter samples by a resume writer published in over 20 resume and cover letter sample books.
Rating: [8.33] Votes: [6]
17. ResumeTutor
On-line, highly interactive website from the University of Minnesota that teaches visitors how to write a résumé
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
18. CreatingPrints.com Resume Service
Affordable resume service and free resume samples,articles, advice.
Rating: [7.75] Votes: [4]
19. Resume Writing
A source for information, tips and advice on resume writing.
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
20. GetResume.com - How to write a resume - Create Multilingual Resume and CV
Online Multilingual Resume and CV Builder using the most Certified Professional Resume Templates. Build your Resume and CV in English, French and Spanish. Including Help, Samples and Phrases to guide you while writing a Resume or CV
Rating: [8.14] Votes: [20]
21. Yana Parker's Damn Good Resume Books
An interesting resource. Recommended!
Rating: [5.50] Votes: [2]
22. Write Yourself A Job
A Job Seekers Toolkit : Write Yourself A Job guides development of a high quality, Resume or CV. Includes 12 Resume, CV and Covering Letter templates, categorized for various career stages. Other resources also available.
Rating: [6.88] Votes: [8]
23. Emurse.com
Emurse organizes your resume creation, distribution, and upkeep through an easy to use online interface. Create a resume website, be informed when recipients view your resume and stay on top of your job hunt.
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [1]
24. The Resume Workshop
Over 150 sample resumes, cover letters and resignation letters; resume writing made easy; How to write an interview thank you letter
Rating: [7.40] Votes: [5]
25. The Resume Builder
You don't need to know how to write a professional resume. The Resume Builder allows you to instantly create a professional, easy to edit resume in minutes using our self guided resume builder.
Rating: [1.00] Votes: [2]
26. Sample Resume
Free Sample Resume templates for everyone
Rating: [10.00] Votes: [1]