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Humanitarian and Emergency Aid to Refugees and Other Victims of Persecution, Exile, and War


Description: IRC provides assistance in the form of relief shelter and resettlement to refugees and other victims fleeing from or affected by oppression epidemics armed conflict war and other complex humanitarian emergencies worldwide

Category: World » Afghanistan

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Date of Listing: Oct 28, 2004

Current Rating: 10.00

Clicks/Hits Received: 2531

Number of Reviews/Comments: 1

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nasim nawroz
Posted: Sep 14, 2014

I have been working with Mediotheck as Field Team Leader on the civil rights section, mainly dealing with women and children rights,and supervise shelter field for the UNHCR Projects,covering Northeast Provinces (Kunduz,Baghlan,Takhar and Badakshan), so I have no problem to access any part 24/7.